• PO Box 5443, West End, Qld. 4101



Membership is open to all Street Machine enthusiasts and is available in a number of categories. Direct membership to the ASMF as an individual or membership through an affiliated club. Members receive the ASMF Rule Book, a jacket patch, membership card and member sticker on joining and also receive copies of the Bi-Monthly Motormouth newsletter. The newsletter keeps the members informed on coming events, parts for sale or wanted and selected repairers, and Minutes from general meetings where all members are invited to attend.

ASMF Membership: $35 for single membership per annum and $45 for family membership per annum.

NOTE: Memberships and renewals are processed Bi-Monthly in the week prior to our Meeting. Memberships can be processed at other times as required upon request if this schedule does not suit.

All correspondence to:

The ASMF Qld Division Inc.
PO Box 5443,
West End, Qld. 4101.

You can download the current membership form New Member Form

I'm an enthusiast, not a hoon

Work on it Drive it and enjoy it!